
Please join us !!
In obedience to the Lord we go house to house every last Saturday of the month for our ALTAR OF WORSHIP
We gather every HOLY SATURDAY at the Hilton for a day of Glorious Praise and Worship
Every last Saturday of the year we host THE KING’S BANQUET (A great Thanksgiving celebration to honor King Jesus)
Every second Wednesday of August is our COME AWAY WITH ME Retreat at the Blue Mountain
Every Tuesday 8:30-9:30pm we meet
On the prayer line KEEPING THE FIRE ON THE ALTAR OF OUR HEARTS BURNING in agreement with Lev 6 v13
To Unite All People;

“Repair and restore the altar of Worship so that My glory can be revealed in preparation of My return.”
“If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.”

come ready to
a Freshness
God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth John 4 :24The first thought here by the Master is that there must be harmony between God and His worshippers :such as God is ,must His worship be It is only Christ who opens the way and teaches the worship in Spirit The worship of the Father is only possible to those whom the Spirit of the Son has been given The worship in spirit is only possible to those to whom the Son has revealed the Father and who has received the Spirit of SonshipWe are carnal and cannot bring God the worship He seeks But Jesus came to give the Spirit.There must be a deep confession of our inability to bring God the worship that is pleasing to Him,the childlike teachableness that waits on Him to instruct us ;the simple faith that yields itself to the breathing of the Spirit .To have Christ the Son ,the Spirit of the Son ,dwelling within us and revealing the Father ,this makes us true ,spiritual worshippersThere must be a cryLORD! SWEET HOLY SPIRIT teach us to WORSHIP YOU IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTHLet the infinite Fatherliness of God’s heart be our joy and strength for a life of prayer and of worship AmenFromAndrew Murray‘With Christ in the school of prayer”1895It is only the Holy Spirit that can teach us the WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH.

- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/Come-Away-With-Me-August-2023-1a.mp3 (1)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-B.mp3 (2)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-C.mp3 (3)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-D.mp3 (4)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-E.mp3 (5)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-F-1.mp3 (6)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-G-1.mp3 (7)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-H.mp3 (8)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-I.mp3 (9)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-J.mp3 (10)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-K.mp3 (11)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-L-.mp3 (12)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-M.mp3 (13)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-N.mp3 (14)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-O.mp3 (15)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-P.mp3 (16)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-Q.mp3 (17)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-R.mp3 (18)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-S.mp3 (19)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-T.mp3 (20)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-U.mp3 (21)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-V.mp3 (22)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-W.mp3 (23)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-X.mp3 (24)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-Y.mp3 (25)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-Z.mp3 (26)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-Z1.mp3 (27)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-Z2-1.mp3 (28)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-Z3.mp3 (29)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-Z4.mp3 (30)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-Z5.mp3 (31)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-Z6.mp3 (32)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-Z7.mp3 (33)
- https://unitedinpraise.com/wp-content/uploads/COME-AWAY-WITH-ME-2023-Z8.mp3 (34)

We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church ministry for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at UIP a great one!

Money is most valuable when it is put to work spreading the gospel and helping people. As individuals and as a ministry, it is our privilege to give generously to the work of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

No secret formulas. Just simple faith and trust in Jesus Christ. We come together each week in a diverse environment for those who simply want to worship, learn, and know more about Christ.
What We Believe

We believe in salvation by God’s grace, through faith in what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross. Salvation is available to all who will truly believe in God’s redemption plan, which is Jesus Christ, the way and the truth and the life.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit. He regenerates and indwells the believer, baptizing them into the Body of Christ empowering them to live victorious lives. The Holy Spirit is the teacher, the guide and the One who empowers the Christian.

We believe that the Bible, both Old Testament and New Testament, is the divinely authoritative Word of God and the standard for every age and for every life. We believe it is without error and its authority is final and eternal.